Localion Cloud - API Mapping

Visualisation that goes beyond the standard

Use customisable visualisations, identify routes beyond public road networks, display orders and resources and integrate everything seamlessly into your systems.


Navigation on the road to success

The impressive story of our customer Kleinheinz Transport & Logistik, which shows how innovative thinking and the right technology can make all the difference.


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Functions at a glance

They receive not only a map, but a comprehensive and customisable visualisation solution of their process data.
With our exclusive 'Forestry' and 'Deutschland+' maps, you can also identify paths and navigability off the public path network.
Support for OGC standards such as WMS and TMS enables seamless integration of our solution into web apps, mobile apps and GIS apps.
We offer a variety of card designs to meet individual needs. It is also possible to integrate your own customised styles.

Ready for smart navigation?
We navigate you into the future.

Localion Cloud Products

More Localion
Cloud APIs


Use precise geocoding, supported by the highest data security standards and hosting by German cloud providers.


Use customisable visualisations, identify paths beyond public networks, display orders and resources and integrate everything seamlessly into your systems.


With our customisable optimisation and predictive traffic data, you perfect your route planning and adapt it seamlessly to your specific requirements.


Our powerful matrix calculation supports over 1 million cells, provides predictive traffic data for accurate journey times and ensures predictable costs with a flat rate model.



Precise routing even off public roads, supported by predictive traffic information and customisable routing profiles for individual requirements.